Lamannya Azki

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2024

Coping with the Flu

So, I’ve had the flu since last Friday, and it's been driving me crazy. The thing I hate the most about getting the flu is how it makes me feel like I’m on the brink of death—no joke, it’s that bad. You know the feeling when your nose feels like it’s being pulled all the way to the top of your head, your head starts spinning, and you get a fever? Yeah, that’s what I felt. And don’t even get me started on the stuffy nose that forces you to breathe through your mouth. I mean, I can still function when I have a regular headache, even when it’s a really bad one. But when flu symptoms kick in, just getting out of bed feels like the hardest thing in the world. It’s seriously that miserable. 

Oh, and before all the fever and headaches kick in, my throat always gets super itchy, like there’s something rough stuck in there. For me, it usually starts with a dry cough that hurts like naudzubillah crazy—every time I cough, it feels like my ribs are being pulled, and my head spins. And after that, my throat gets even itchier and drier, like something blocking it. Ugh, it makes me feel like I want to scratch my throat out. I often wake up in the middle of the night just to cough, and then it’s impossible to fall back asleep because my throat and head hurt so much. 

That’s why I absolutely hate it when I start noticing the signs of this flu disaster coming on. As soon as I feel it, I immediately load up on meds and vitamins, and I start wearing a mask. But you know, you can never really tell when the virus is going to stick. And when I get hit with the flu like this, the weakness can last for 3-4 days, where I can’t do anything except lie there, moaning in pain and hoping for some pity from others. But since I’m living away from home, I have no choice but to take care of everything myself. It’s times like these when I really feel how lonely it is to be on my own—kind of sad, honestly. I find myself wishing I had someone to lean on during tough times like this... just kidding—kinda haha. 

But thanks to modern technology, I can easily order some comfort food (my go-to remedy when I’m sick), consult a doctor online, and even buy prescribed meds right from my phone. And voilà, everything gets delivered straight to my place without me having to step outside. This time, I relied on some Kimukatsu and kimbap from Blok M to be my cure, but sadly, the sickness stuck around at least until Tuesday. I still went to the office on Monday and Tuesday, even though I was a bit wobbly on my feet.

Actually, my boss isn’t heartless enough to make me come to the office when I’m sick. It’s just me—I feel like staying in my room would make me even more miserable, just lying there and feeling sorry for myself. So, I figured it’s better to go to work and, you know, see my crush. HAHA. But it turns out that it really helped! I started feeling better just by keeping busy.

Okay, that’s a little life update. I really hope I don’t get sick again and stay healthy until the end of the year so I can start running again! I need to take better care of my diet and lifestyle too. Sometimes when I’m sick, it makes me realize how much I take for granted the simple blessings Allah has given me—like being able to breathe easily or just getting out of bed. Well, yeah, maybe this is a reminder for me to complain less and be more grateful. 

See you in the next post~

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